10m Radio Band Plan

The 10-meter band is a popular choice for amateur radio operators due to its relatively low-frequency propagation characteristics and the potential for long-distance communication, especially during solar maximum conditions. Below is a basic band plan for the 10-meter amateur radio band, which spans from 28.000 MHz to 29.700 MHz.

Band Segments

  • 28.000 – 28.300 MHz:

    • CW (Morse Code) Operations

    • Generally used for weak signal, DXing, and contesting activities.

  • 28.300 – 28.490 MHz:

    • SSB (Single Sideband) Operations

    • Popular for voice communications, including casual chatting and DXing.

  • 28.490 – 28.600 MHz:

    • SSB and Digital Modes

    • Increasing popularity for digital modes such as PSK31, FT8, and RTTY.

  • 28.600 – 28.800 MHz:

    • SSB (Single Sideband)

    • Reserved for special event stations and contests.

  • 28.800 – 29.000 MHz:

    • FM (Frequency Modulation) Operations

    • Typically used for repeaters and simplex operations.

  • 29.000 – 29.700 MHz:

    • Beyond 29.000 MHz, operations are limited to specific frequencies for weak signal (SSB), EME (Earth-Moon-Earth), and various experimental modes.

Notable Points

  • DXing: Feel free to check the band for opportunities to connect with operators all over the world. The 10-meter band can open up dramatically, especially during peak solar activity.

  • Digital Modes: 10m is a great band for experimenting with digital communication methods. Always keep an eye on the evolving digital modes and popular operating frequencies within the limits specified.

  • Contests and Special Events: Keep an eye out for contests. Band plans might shift slightly during these times to accommodate activity.

  • Listening Practices: Remember to listen before transmitting to ensure there is no interference with ongoing communications.

Adhering to this band plan will help facilitate effective and enjoyable communication on the 10-meter band. Happy operating!

The 6-meter band, also known as the "Magic Band," provides unique propagation characteristics for amateur radio operators. Below is the band plan for 50-54 MHz for general use, highlighting specific segments for different modes of operation.

6m Band Plan (50-54 MHz)

Frequency Range Use Notes 50.000 - 50.100 Beacons Use for beacon transmissions; monitor regularly. 50.100 - 50.125 CW (Morse code) Primarily for CW operation; RTTY and digital modes may also be used. 50.125 - 50.200 SSB (Single Sideband) General SSB communication; popular calling frequency at 50.125 MHz. 50.200 - 50.400 FM (Frequency Modulation) FM voice communication; also used for repeaters. 50.400 - 50.600 Digital Modes Popular for JT65, FT8, and other digital modes. 50.600 - 50.800 Open for operation Generally used for special events, contests, or other activities. 50.800 - 54.000 Experimental Mostly reserved for experimentation; watch for specific frequencies in use.

Additional Notes

  • Beacons: Make listening for beacons part of routine operation. These can help gauge band openings.

  • Propagation: Keep in mind that 6m propagation can vary greatly due to solar activity, so be alert for sporadic E openings and other phenomena.

  • Competing Modes: While the plan outlines preferred usages, operators should be considerate and flexible, especially during contests or crowded band situations.

  • Local Repeater Info: Check for any local FM repeaters that might be active in the 6m band; these can be great for local communications.

By following this band plan, operators can ensure effective use of the 6-meter band while minimizing interference and maximizing enjoyment in the hobby. Have fun and remember to keep the airwaves friendly!

2 Meter Band Plan

The 2 meter band (144-148 MHz) is a popular frequency range among amateur radio operators. Here’s a basic band plan to help you navigate the 2m spectrum efficiently:

144.000 - 144.200 MHz: Weak Signal and SSB

  • 144.050 MHz: Calling frequency for SSB and weak signal contacts.

  • 144.100 MHz: Contest activity and general weak signal.

144.200 - 144.300 MHz: Digital Modes

  • 144.200 - 144.300 MHz: Popular for digital modes such as Packet, VARA, and SSTV.

  • 144.390 MHz: Commonly used for Packet radio.

144.300 - 144.500 MHz: Repeater Inputs

  • 144.300 - 144.500 MHz: Space reserved for repeater inputs.

147.000 - 147.100 MHz: Repeater Outputs

  • 147.000 - 147.060 MHz: Common repeater output frequencies.

  • 147.120 MHz: Often used as a calling frequency for FM operators.

146.520 MHz: National Simplex Calling Frequency

  • Frequented for general calling and making initial contacts.

145.000 - 145.500 MHz: Repeater Outputs and Interconnects

  • 145.500 MHz: Secondary calling frequency for simplex operations.

145.510 - 145.800 MHz: Miscellaneous and Alternate Modes

  • This section may also include digital, experimental, and other non-standard modes of operation.

General Notes

  • Always consider local band plans as frequencies and usage may vary by region.

  • Respect existing established frequencies through a spirit of cooperation.

  • When using repeaters, it’s courteous to announce your call sign before and after your transmission to encourage participation.

This band plan serves as a guideline for effective and enjoyable use of the 2 meter amateur radio band. Happy communicating!

1.23m Band Plan

The 1.23 meter band, or 23 cm band, offers amateur radio operators a unique segment of frequencies primarily used for weak signal communications, satellite operations, and experiments. Here’s a general outline for the band plan:

Frequency Allocation

  • 1240.0 MHz to 1242.0 MHz:

    • Weak signal modes (CW, SSB)

    • Moonbounce (EME) operations

  • 1242.0 MHz to 1244.0 MHz:

    • Satellite communications

    • DSS (Digital Slow Scan) Television and digital modes

  • 1244.0 MHz to 1248.0 MHz:

    • Experimental and research use

    • Other amateur activities such as mesh networking

  • 1248.0 MHz to 1250.0 MHz:

    • Beacons and repeater inputs

    • General FM voice communications

  • 1250.0 MHz to 1260.0 MHz:

    • Flexibility for contests, special events, and digital modes

    • ATV (Amateur Television)

Recommended Operating Practices

  • Propagation Tests: Regular testing of EME capabilities. Use digital modes to maximize weak signal communications.

  • Spotting Nets: Collaborate on spotting frequencies for satellite passes and special events.

  • Contest and Event Activation: Organize activities during contests to boost engagement on the band.


  • Frequency beacons can be utilized to gauge propagation conditions. Ensure that beacons are set up in accordance with local regulations and do not interfere with communications.

Safety and Interference

  • Always adhere to power limits set by local regulations.

  • Monitor for any interference and communicate with local operators if issues arise.

  • Use etiquette when sharing frequencies to foster a positive operating environment.

Remember to stay updated with the latest changes in regulations and frequency allocations, and engage with local ham clubs for community events and gatherings. Enjoy your time on the air!

1.25m Band Plan

The 1.25-meter band, spanning from 222 MHz to 225 MHz, is a unique and popular segment among amateur radio operators. It offers a variety of modes and uses, making it an exciting band for communication. Below is a suggested band plan for the 1.25m amateur radio segment:

Frequency Allocations

  • 222.000 - 222.030 MHz:

    • Weak Signal (SSB, CW, Digital Modes)

  • 222.030 - 222.090 MHz:

    • Repeater Output Channels

  • 222.090 - 222.100 MHz:

    • Repeater Input Channels

  • 222.100 - 223.000 MHz:

    • General Use (All Modes)

  • 223.000 - 223.040 MHz:

    • Weak Signal (SSB, CW, Digital Modes)

  • 223.040 - 223.100 MHz:

    • Local Communication and Special Event Frequencies

  • 223.100 - 224.000 MHz:

    • General Use (FM, SSB, Digital Modes)

  • 224.000 - 224.050 MHz:

    • Weak Signal (SSB, CW, Digital Modes)

  • 224.050 - 225.000 MHz:

    • General Use, including Repeaters and Nets

Operating Guidelines

  • Repeaters: Most 1.25m repeaters operate in the range of 223.000 to 223.100 MHz. Check for local repeater information and adhere to any specific operational protocols.

  • Weak Signal Operations: Emphasize SSB, CW, and digital modes below 224 MHz. Utilize appropriate equipment to maximize range and effectiveness.

  • Emergency Communications: Encourage the use of 1.25m for emergency groups and drills, as it's less congested than other bands.

  • Propagation: Be aware that 1.25m can reflect some unique propagation characteristics, including E-skip and tropo ducting; stay active during VHF contests to gain practical experience.

Contest and Activity Days

  • Participate in VHF contests and planned activity days for the 1.25m band. These events foster community and promote operation in the band.

By following this band plan, operators can enjoy the many opportunities that the 1.25m band has to offer while ensuring a respectful and efficient use of the spectrum. Happy operating!

70 cm Band Plan

The 70 cm band (420-450 MHz) is a versatile segment of the UHF spectrum commonly used by amateur radio operators. Below is a general band plan outlining various activities and sub-bands within the 70 cm range.

420.000 MHz to 420.100 MHz

  • Weak Signal and Digital Modes: Utilize for meteor scatter and EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communications.

420.100 MHz to 420.200 MHz

  • Weak Signal: Ideal for SSB (Single Sideband) operation. Good for long-distance contacts using low power.

420.200 MHz to 420.300 MHz

  • FM Simplex: Common for local communication. Allow for both voice and data transmissions.

420.300 MHz to 421.000 MHz

  • Repeater Inputs: Typically used for repeater inputs in the lower part of the sub-band.

421.000 MHz to 430.000 MHz

  • Repeater Outputs: This section is dedicated to repeater outputs. Many local repeaters operate in this range.

430.000 MHz to 440.000 MHz

  • Amateur Satellite Operations: Used for radio amateur satellite communication. Ensure to follow specific guidelines for satellite use.

440.000 MHz to 450.000 MHz

  • FM and Digital Modes: Continuing with FM simplex and various digital communication methods.

450.000 MHz to 450.400 MHz

  • Emergency and Special Event Communications: Reserved for emergency communications and special events, such as public service activities.


  • Coordination: Regular coordination with local amateur radio organizations is encouraged to prevent interference and ensure efficient use of the band.

  • Legal Considerations: Always adhere to the FCC regulations and guidelines regarding power limits and permitted emissions in this frequency range.

By following this band plan, operators can help to maintain an organized and efficient use of the 70 cm band for all amateur activities. Enjoy your operations and remember to respect fellow operators!

HF Band Plan

The HF (High Frequency) band plan is essential for ensuring organized and effective communication among amateur radio operators. Below is a simple representation of the HF band plan, including key frequency allocations, modes, and typical uses:

160 Meters (1.8 - 2.0 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Nighttime communication, particularly during winter months.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: DXing, contests, local communication.

80 Meters (3.5 - 4.0 MHz)

  • Primary Use: General communication and regional contacts.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: Nets, emergency communications, local QSO.

40 Meters (7.0 - 7.3 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Effective for both local and long-distance communication.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: Contests, net operations, emergency communication.

30 Meters (10.10 - 10.15 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Limited to CW and digital modes.

  • Modes: CW, Digital.

  • Activities: DXing and experimentation.

20 Meters (14.0 - 14.350 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Long-distance communication, stable propagation during the day.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: DXing, contests, general contacts.

17 Meters (18.068 - 18.168 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Good for DXing and less crowded than other bands.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: International contacts, contests.

15 Meters (21.0 - 21.450 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Popular for DXing and daytime communication.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: Contests, casual operating, international communications.

12 Meters (24.890 - 24.930 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Primarily used during the solar cycle's peak.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: DXing.

10 Meters (28.0 - 29.7 MHz)

  • Primary Use: Effective for local and long-distance communication, especially during peak solar conditions.

  • Modes: SSB, CW, Digital.

  • Activities: DX, contests, local chat during great propagation.

General Considerations

  • Propagation: HF bands are greatly affected by solar activity and time of day.

  • Licensing: Always ensure compliance with your licensing privileges and the relevant regional regulations.

  • Experimentation: Always be open to trying out different modes and techniques, as amateur radio is about learning and exploration.

Final Tip

Stay updated on band conditions and activity by checking in with propagation reports and band activity charts. Enjoy your time on the air!

Feel free to adapt this band plan to fit your specific needs and to stay engaged with your local amateur radio community!

VHF Band Plan Overview

The VHF (Very High Frequency) band covers a range of frequencies from 30 MHz to 300 MHz. This band is divided into various segments allocated for different uses, including amateur radio, public safety, commercial communications, and broadcasting. Below is a summary of the VHF band plan as it pertains to amateur radio and key applications:

VHF Amateur Radio Bands

  • 50-54 MHz (6 Meters)

    • Generally used for amateur radio activities, including SSB and FM communications. This band offers opportunities for long-distance communication during favorable propagation conditions.

  • 144-148 MHz (2 Meters)

    • Popular for local communications using FM. This band supports repeaters, simplex, and digital modes, making it one of the most utilized amateur bands.

  • 222-225 MHz (1.25 Meters)

    • Not as commonly used but still supports various modes including SSB, FM, and digital. The band offers a unique niche for VHF operators.

  • 420-450 MHz (70 Centimeters)

    • This band is popular for FM and digital communications, including DMR, C4FM, and other digital modes. It also has many active repeaters.

  • 902-928 MHz (33 Centimeters)

    • This band is classified as part of the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) frequencies and is used for various experimental and digital communications.

Other VHF Allocations

  • Commercial Services

    • Includes frequencies for business communications, public safety (police, fire), and emergency services. These frequencies are crucial for direct communication in public service operations.

  • Broadcasting

    • VHF television and FM radio are primarily found in the upper VHF frequencies (TV channels 2-13 and FM radio services).


  • Propagation and Use

    • VHF frequencies are typically line-of-sight. Atmospheric conditions can influence propagation, especially on bands like 6 Meters.

  • Licensing

    • Amateur operators must hold the appropriate licenses for their bands of operation. Knowledge of band plans and regulations is essential for compliant usage.

  • Interference

    • Operators should practice good frequency management to minimize interference with other services, including commercial and broadcasting stations.

Understanding the VHF band plan is vital for effective communication and responsible operation within the amateur radio community. Always refer to the latest guidelines and regulations as they can change.

Digital Band Plan


A digital band plan outlines the allocation of frequency bands for various digital communication services within the radio spectrum. This plan ensures efficient use of the spectrum and minimizes interference among different services.

Frequency Allocation

  1. Low Band (30 MHz - 300 MHz)

    • VHF: Used for radio broadcasts, emergency services, and aviation.

    • UHF: Utilized for television broadcasts, two-way radios, and public safety communications.

  2. Mid Band (300 MHz - 3 GHz)

    • 300 MHz - 1 GHz: Often used for a variety of services, including amateur radio, mobile communications, and Wi-Fi.

    • 1 GHz - 3 GHz: Reserved for a range of applications including microwave communications and satellite operations.

  3. High Band (3 GHz - 30 GHz)

    • 3 GHz - 5 GHz: Primarily used for Wi-Fi networks (IEEE 802.11), various mobile communication protocols, and radar systems.

    • 5 GHz - 10 GHz: Used for more advanced telecommunications, including fixed and mobile services.

  4. Super High Band (above 30 GHz)

    • Ka Band (26.5 GHz - 40 GHz): Widely utilized for satellite communications and broadband services.

    • V Band (40 GHz - 75 GHz): Emerging technologies, including high-speed data transmission and experimental services.

Frequency Sharing and Coordination

To optimize the available spectrum and reduce interference, certain bands are designated for shared use. Entities must coordinate frequency use through licensing agreements, ensuring they comply with regulatory requirements.

  1. Fixed Services: Coordination among users is essential to maintain clear communications without overlap.

  2. Mobile Services: Adaptation of frequency use based on geographic location and population density helps minimize interference.


A well-structured digital band plan is crucial for maintaining the integrity and efficacy of digital communications. It enables various services to coexist by clearly defining frequency usage, supporting technological advancement while minimizing disruption in the spectrum.

Digital Types of Communications

In today's interconnected world, digital communication has become an essential part of our daily lives. Here are some of the key types of digital communication that shape how we interact:

  1. Email
    Email is one of the oldest forms of digital communication. It allows users to send messages, documents, and files over the internet. With features like attachments, CC, and BCC, it's an efficient way to communicate in both personal and professional settings.

  2. Instant Messaging
    Platforms like WhatsApp, Slack, and Microsoft Teams facilitate real-time conversations. Instant messaging is great for quick exchanges and often includes features like emojis, file sharing, and multimedia.

  3. Social Media
    Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn enable users to share updates, images, and videos. These platforms foster community engagement and are excellent for both personal expression and business marketing.

  4. Video Conferencing
    Tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype have transformed how we conduct meetings. Video conferencing allows for face-to-face interactions, making it easier to connect with colleagues and clients remotely.

  5. Forums and Message Boards
    Online forums and message boards, such as Reddit and specialized community sites, provide platforms for discussing various topics. They allow users to share knowledge and opinions in an organized manner.

  6. Blogs and Podcasts
    Blogs allow individuals and organizations to share information, opinions, and stories with a broader audience. Podcasts offer an audio format for delivering content, making it easily accessible for on-the-go learning.

  7. SMS and MMS
    Text messaging (SMS) and multimedia messaging (MMS) are direct communication methods used primarily on mobile devices. They are effective for brief messages and quick updates.

  8. VoIP Services
    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) platforms like Skype and Google Voice allow users to make voice calls over the internet, often at a lower cost than traditional phone services.

  9. Collaborative Tools
    Digital platforms like Google Drive, Notion, and Trello facilitate collaboration on projects, allowing teams to work together in real time, share documents, and manage tasks efficiently.

  10. Webinars
    Webinars combine video conferencing with presentations and are used for training, marketing, and educational purposes. They enable organizations to reach larger audiences interactively.

Each type of digital communication serves unique purposes and offers various benefits, making it essential for individuals and businesses to choose the most effective methods for their needs.

P25 Radio: A Reliable Communication Standard

P25 radio, or Project 25, is a digital radio standard used primarily by public safety organizations in North America. Designed to enhance communication between different agencies, P25 radios provide a reliable and secure means of communication in critical situations.

Key Features of P25 Radio

  1. Interoperability: One of the most significant advantages of P25 is its focus on interoperability. This means that devices from different manufacturers can communicate seamlessly, which is crucial in emergencies where multiple agencies must coordinate their responses.

  2. Digital Voice Quality: P25 radios utilize digital encoding, which significantly improves voice clarity compared to traditional analog systems. This enhancement is vital in high-stress situations where clear communication can make all the difference.

  3. Encryption: Security is essential in public safety communications. P25 offers optional encryption features, allowing agencies to keep sensitive information private while ensuring that only authorized users can access critical communications.

  4. Robust Coverage: P25 systems can be designed to provide extensive coverage using a combination of infrastructure and portable devices. This adaptability ensures that users can maintain communication in various environments, from urban areas to remote locations.

  5. Scalability: The P25 standard is scalable, making it suitable for both small departments and large state-wide agencies. As organizations grow or change, their P25 systems can adapt without requiring a complete overhaul.

Implementation and Challenges

While many agencies have adopted P25 radios, implementation can be complex. Transitioning from older systems to P25 often requires significant investment in new equipment and infrastructure upgrades. Additionally, training personnel on new technology and ensuring compatibility with legacy systems can pose challenges.

Despite these hurdles, the benefits of P25 radios—including enhanced communication efficiency and safety—make them a vital asset for public safety organizations across the country. As technology continues to evolve, P25 radios remain at the forefront of ensuring that first responders can communicate effectively when it matters most.

DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) is a digital voice protocol that is widely used in professional and amateur radio communications. It offers several advantages over traditional analog radio, including improved audio clarity, increased capacity for multiple users, and enhanced features such as remote control and text messaging.

DMR works by digitizing the voice signal, allowing for more efficient use of available radio bandwidth. This means that multiple conversations can happen simultaneously on the same frequency without interference. DMR operates on both the VHF and UHF bands, making it versatile for various applications, from emergency services to personal use among ham radio operators.

One of DMR's key features is its use of time division multiple access (TDMA), which divides a single frequency into two separate time slots. This allows two different conversations to occur on the same frequency, effectively doubling the number of users without the need for additional channels.

Users of DMR can enjoy improved audio quality, as digital signals are less susceptible to noise and interference than their analog counterparts. Additionally, DMR radios often come equipped with features such as GPS capabilities, enhanced privacy options, and the ability to communicate with users across different networks through the use of digital gateways.

In the amateur radio community, DMR has gained popularity due to its capability for long-range communication and its connection to the growing network of digital repeaters. These repeaters can link users across vast distances, making it possible for operators to communicate with fellow enthusiasts around the globe.

Whether you're a professional needing reliable communication tools or a hobbyist exploring new technologies, DMR provides a friendly and efficient way to connect with others.

NXDN radio is a digital communication protocol that offers clear and efficient voice communication. It operates in the VHF and UHF bands, making it a popular choice among amateur radio operators, businesses, and public service organizations.

One of the standout features of NXDN is its ability to support both analog and digital modes, allowing users to experience enhanced audio quality and improved spectrum efficiency. With NXDN, users can enjoy features like voice privacy and robust error correction, ensuring that messages come through loud and clear—even in challenging environments.

This technology is particularly useful for organizations that require reliable two-way communication, such as police departments and fire services, as well as for recreational users who enjoy outdoor activities. The NXDN protocol supports multiple channels, allowing for group communications without interference, making it a versatile choice for a range of applications.

For those looking to explore NXDN, various radios and systems are available that cater to both beginners and seasoned operators. The growing community around NXDN continues to share best practices and innovations, fostering a friendly environment for learning and collaboration. Whether for personal use or professional applications, NXDN is an excellent option for anyone seeking effective digital radio communication.

C4FM Radio: Your Community Connection

Welcome to C4FM Radio, where we bring the pulse of the community directly to your speakers! Our station is dedicated to playing a diverse mix of music, sharing local news, and highlighting the events that matter most to you.

Music for Everyone
At C4FM, our playlists are curated to reflect the varied tastes of our listeners. Whether you’re into the latest hits, classic rock, indie gems, or local talent, we’ve got something just for you. Tune in to discover new favorites and enjoy the songs you love.

Stay Updated
We know how important it is to stay informed. That’s why our dedicated news team works tirelessly to deliver accurate, timely updates on local happenings, weather reports, and important announcements. You’ll always be in the loop when you listen to C4FM Radio!

Community Engagement
C4FM believes in the power of community. We regularly feature local artists, interviews with grassroots organizations, and discussions on the issues affecting our neighborhoods. Our goal is to provide a platform for voices that often go unheard and foster a sense of belonging among listeners.

Join Us Live
Interact with us during our live shows! Call in to share your thoughts, request your favorite tracks, or participate in our engaging segments. We love hearing from you and showcasing the vibrant community that makes C4FM Radio special.

Tune In Today
Set your dial to C4FM Radio and join us in celebrating the music and stories that shape our lives. Your community, your station, your sound—C4FM Radio is here for you!

Ham Radio License Classes

Ham radio, or amateur radio, offers an exciting way to connect with others and explore the world of radio communications. If you're interested in obtaining your ham radio license, taking a class is a great first step. Here's what you need to know:

Types of Licenses

  1. Technician Class: This is the entry-level license. It grants access to VHF and UHF bands, and minimal HF privileges. It's a great starting point for beginners.

  2. General Class: This license allows more privileges, including access to HF bands. It's ideal for those who want to explore more remote communication options.

  3. Extra Class: This is the highest level of amateur radio license, offering full access to all frequencies. It requires more in-depth knowledge.

What to Expect in Classes

  • Content Coverage: Classes typically cover fundamental concepts like radio theory, rules and regulations, operating practices, and emergency communications. Expect to learn about wave propagation, basic electronics, and equipment operation.

  • Hands-On Practice: Many classes include practical exercises to familiarize you with actual equipment and help reinforce theoretical knowledge.

  • Exam Preparation: Classes often focus on preparing students for the exam. They may provide study materials, practice tests, and tips for passing.

Class Formats

  • In-Person Classes: These provide face-to-face interaction with instructors and opportunities for hands-on experiences.

  • Online Classes: Flexible and often self-paced, online courses allow you to learn at your convenience and access materials from anywhere.

Finding a Class

To find a local ham radio class, check with amateur radio clubs, community colleges, or local organizations. Many clubs offer free classes to help prospective hams get licensed.

Additional Resources

  • Study Guides: Several study guides are available for each license level, including online resources that can help you reinforce your understanding.

  • Practice Exams: Websites offer practice exams that simulate the actual testing experience, which can be invaluable for preparation.


Embarking on your ham radio journey through a license class can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this unique hobby. Whether you're interested in emergency communications, participating in public service events, or just chatting with fellow enthusiasts, getting licensed is the first step toward connecting with the ham radio community.

Understanding Pi-Star MMDVM

Pi-Star is a versatile software platform designed to work with the MMDVM (Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem) that enables operators to utilize various digital voice modes like DMR (Digital Mobile Radio), P25, NXDN, D-Star, and YSF (Yaesu System Fusion). Here’s a quick overview of its key features and setup.

Key Features

  1. Multi-Mode Support: Pi-Star provides the ability to connect to multiple digital voice networks, allowing for a broad range of interoperability among different systems.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: The web interface is designed for ease of use, making it accessible even for those who might be new to digital modes.

  3. Continuous Updates: The community actively maintains Pi-Star, ensuring that users benefit from the latest features and improvements.

  4. Remote Access: You can control and monitor your device remotely through the web interface, enhancing convenience and flexibility.

Getting Started

  1. Hardware Requirements: You will need a Raspberry Pi board (preferably 3B or later), a compatible MMDVM board (like the MMDVM Hotspot), and a microSD card with the Pi-Star image installed.

  2. Installation: Download the latest Pi-Star image and flash it to your microSD card. Insert the card into the Raspberry Pi and power it on.

  3. Configuration: Access the web interface usually at http://pi-star.local or by using the assigned IP address. Here, you can set your callsign, select your preferred modes, and configure additional settings such as DMR gateway connections and YSF reflector options.

  4. Connecting and Operating: Once configured, you’re all set to connect to your desired digital voice network. Make sure to check for any specific connection instructions relevant to the network you wish to join.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Wi-Fi Issues: Ensure your Wi-Fi connection is stable. If possible, use an Ethernet cable for a reliable connection.

  • Network Configuration: Double-check your DMR ID and server settings if you encounter connection problems. It's often a small configuration error that leads to issues.

  • Logs and Support: Take advantage of the logs available in the web interface for troubleshooting and consider reaching out to the Pi-Star community for support if needed.


Pi-Star with MMDVM opens up a world of possibilities for digital voice communication. As you get familiar with the platform, you’ll discover the benefits of connecting effortlessly across various digital modes. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned ham, Pi-Star is a fantastic tool to enhance your digital communication experience!

CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) tones are sub-audible signals used in two-way radio communications, most commonly in the VHF and UHF bands. These tones help to reduce interference from other radio users by allowing receivers to ignore signals that don't have the specific tone programmed in.

When a transmitter sends out a CTCSS tone, it operates at a frequency below the threshold of human hearing (typically between 67 Hz and 250 Hz). Each tone corresponds to a unique frequency, and there are 38 standard CTCSS tones used in the United States, labeled from 67.0 Hz to 250.3 Hz.

Benefits of Using CTCSS Tones:

  1. Reduced Interference: By using CTCSS, radio users can block out unwanted transmissions from other users not using the same tone.

  2. Privacy: While it doesn’t provide encryption, it adds a layer of privacy, ensuring that only those with the matching CTCSS tone can hear the conversations.

  3. Improved Communication: Groups can communicate more effectively, especially in crowded environments, as they can scan channels without interference.

How CTCSS Works:

  • Transmitting: When a user speaks into a radio with a CTCSS tone set, the radio transmits both the voice audio and the selected sub-audible tone.

  • Receiving: The receiving radio listens for the specific CTCSS tone. If it detects the correct tone, it will unmute the audio, allowing the user to hear the transmission.

Common Applications:

  • Public Safety: CTCSS tones are widely used by police, fire, and emergency medical services to coordinate activities without interference from unrelated communication.

  • Amateur Radio: Hams often use CTCSS to communicate during contests or crowded nets, enhancing their conversations in busy areas.

  • Business and Industry: Many businesses incorporate CTCSS in their radio systems to streamline communication among employees, reducing noise from other channels.


CTCSS tones play a vital role in modern radio communications, enabling clearer and more private conversations. By understanding and utilizing these tones, users can enhance their communication experience in various settings, from emergency services to casual conversations among friends.


DCS tones, or Digital Coded Squelch tones, are essential for effective communication in radio operations, particularly in two-way radios used by emergency services, businesses, and amateur radio operators. They provide a method to filter out unwanted signals and ensure that users only hear the conversations they want to.

Understanding DCS Tones

  1. What are DCS Tones?

    • DCS tones are digital codes that modulate a squelch circuit in a radio. When a radio receiver is set to a specific DCS tone, it will open the audio path only when it detects that tone accompanying the radio transmission. This allows for clearer communication by minimizing interference from users on the same frequency who are not using the same tone.

  2. How Do DCS Tones Work?

    • Each DCS tone corresponds to a specific numeric code, ranging from 023 to 255 (a total of 83 unique tones). When a transmitter sends a signal with a particular DCS tone, only receivers programmed to the same tone will be activated. If a transmitting radio does not send the correct DCS tone, the receiving radio’s squelch remains closed, effectively muting the incoming transmission noises.

  3. Benefits of Using DCS Tones

    • Reduced Interference: DCS tones help eliminate unwanted transmissions on shared frequencies, making it easier for users to communicate without distractions.

    • Privacy: Although not completely secure, using DCS can provide a level of privacy in communications, as only those with the correct code will be able to hear the conversation.

    • Improved Clarity: By filtering out random signals, users experience clearer audio for important communications, which is especially vital in high-stress situations like emergency responses.

  4. Setting Up DCS Tones

    • To use DCS tones, both the transmitting and receiving radios must be programmed to the same DCS code. This is usually done via the radio’s programming menu or software. It’s essential to consult the radio's user manual for specific instructions on how to input the appropriate code.

  5. Conclusion

    • DCS tones are a valuable tool in maintaining clear and efficient communication in various radio operations. By utilizing this feature, users can significantly enhance their communication experience, ensuring that vital messages are not lost in the background noise of potentially crowded frequencies.

      A repeater is a device used in telecommunications and networking to receive, amplify, and retransmit signals over a longer distance than what would normally be possible. It acts as a bridge to extend the range of communication systems, such as radio, television, and internet connections.

      In the context of radio communications, repeaters are often used to enhance the coverage area for handheld transceivers, allowing users to communicate over greater distances by relaying signals between the user’s device and a remote site.

      In digital communications, repeaters can be crucial in maintaining the integrity of data signals, as they regenerate the signal strength and help prevent data loss due to attenuation as it travels through cables or wireless networks.

      Overall, repeaters play a vital role in enabling effective communication by ensuring that signals can traverse longer distances without degradation.

    • What is Simplex?

      Simplex refers to a method or system that is straightforward, uncomplicated, and easy to understand or use. In various contexts, the term can have specific meanings:

      1. Mathematics and Optimization: In mathematical optimization, Simplex is an algorithm for solving linear programming problems. It efficiently finds the best solution from a set of feasible solutions by moving along the edges of a feasible region defined by constraints.

      2. Communications: In telecommunications, simplex describes a type of communication channel that allows data to flow in one direction only. For example, traditional walkie-talkies operate in simplex mode, where one party speaks while the other listens.

      3. Finance: In finance, simplex can refer to business models or processes that minimize complexity, enabling quicker decision-making and action, often leading to greater efficiency and customer satisfaction.

      4. General Use: More broadly, simplex can describe any process, tool, or system designed to be straightforward, eliminating unnecessary complexity and enhancing user experience.

      In essence, the concept of simplex is centered around simplicity and efficiency across various fields, aiming to reduce complexity and optimize performance.